Improvisation and Storytelling Workshop in Oulu

Improvisation and Storytelling

Walk the  boundaries of where improvisation and storytelling meet. We will
explore the structure of stories, make stories as a group, play with
content, physicality, music and silence. We will explore use of the space
to tell a story, using techniques such as viewpoints and freeform. We will
explore both performance improvisation as well as improv for composition.
Expect discovery and fun!

Suitable for those with some improv performance experience.

Date and duration: 9.10.2016 10-16
Place: Oulun suomalaisen yhteiskoulun lukio, Maunonkatu 1, Oulu
Participation fee: 60 €
Participation limit: 16 persons
Sign up:

Instructions for paying will be sent via email. You have secured your place after paying.

Instructor Órla Mc GovernÓrlappcolour

Órla Mc Govern is Artistic Director of The Spontaneous Theatre People & The Sky Babies, Galway, and is an  Artistic Director for Improv Fest Ireland.

As a performer, she lived, trained and worked extensively in the US for many years and was an original member of Improv groups: Seattle goga, Seattle Neutrino Project, and Spolin Player Seattle. She also had the pleasure of performing with Edge Bainbridge, Jet City Improv, Unexpected Productions, and many others in the US.

As a workshop facilitator, Órla is equally passionate about her work.  She has facilitated numerous workshops for Corporate, Artistic, and Individual clients around the world, and is skilled at tailoring each session to suit their needs. Some festival appearances include: Dublin, Ireland, Tampere, Finland, Gothenburg, Sweden, Bucharest, Romania, Barcelona, Spain, and Strasbourg, France. Órla continues to teach and perform globally, including with her troupe The Sky Babies and with Moth & Butterfly (an innovative Storytelling / Improv Project).

She is a professional actor for stage/tv/film &radio, as well as a playwright, storyteller and Voice Over artist.  She also has an alter ego who has her own career entirely!

Uniikki-improklubi 29.11.2013 / Unique Improv Club

Uniikki-improklubi -julisteYksi improvisaation parhaita puolia on se, että pääsee tapaamaan mahtavia ihmisiä ja sielunveljiä ympäri maailmaa. Nyt meillä on ilo päästä esiintymään kahden hienon kollegan kanssa. Laura Doorneweerd ja Gerald Weber jakavat improtietouttaan Oulussa työpajoissa lauantaina 30.11. Sitä ennen he hyppäävät kanssamme lavalle perjantaina 29.11 Ravintola Tubassa kello 19.30 alkaen. Tiedossa on ainutlaatuisia improkohtauksia! Shown esityskielenä on pääosin englanti.

Pääsymaksu on 7 / 5 euroa.

<Summary in English>

One of the best things about improv is meeting great people from around the world. We are delighted to get the chance to share the stage with two such lovely persons and fellow improvisers: Laura Doorneweerd and Gerald Weber. Laura and Gerald will be teaching workshops in Oulu. On Friday 29th of November we will take the stage at the restaurant Ravintola Tuba. You do not want to miss this one! The show starts at 7.30 pm.

The entrance fee is 7 / 5 euros.